October 19-21, 2018
Berlin, Germany

Garry Ing

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Garry Ing is a designer and researcher currently residing in Toronto. He is a contributor at Toronto Mesh and sessional faculty at OCAD University teaching interactive media. Previous work and collaborations has been with the Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab) at OCAD University, the Technologies for Aging Gracefully Lab at the University of Toronto, Normative, and Format.


Network from Memory

Network from Memory is a reflective visual survey of attempts to represent the internet, and networks, through the context of fragmented patent applications, artist projects, and other significant, widely referenced, diagrams. This piece reflects on a particular genre of image making and its varying short-handed in visualizing networks through the form of ambiguous shapes, and cloud-like masses, with underlying question of: How do we draw a network? Further, Network from Memory is an attempt to frame Paul Baran’s often cited diagram, from On Distributed Communications (1964), in juxtaposition to these images as a form of narrative towards abstraction.

The piece will cycle through various compositions made of collected imagery over the past two years using a small application running on a single board computer connected to a display. The application will compose new compositions at regular, and irregular, intervals for the duration of it’s exhibition.